Cross Country Management Inc (CCM) facilitates the search for advantageous partnerships between International Organizations and West African Businesses and Government Agencies.

CCM is an independent private organization whose purpose is to contribute to the advancement of public trade among African countries, stronger business linkages among International Organizations, discussion and understanding of prevailing economic conditions in Africa. CCM aims to do this by providing a platform for African governments and businesses to communicate among themselves their needs that will result in the creation of jobs, economic activity, transfer of skills, saving of costs, reduction of poverty, etc…

We welcome contributions on economic issues affecting development in Africa. Requests placed on the web site may deal with any aspect of economy with respect to Africa as a whole or individual nation within the continent.

Cross Country Management Inc was set up in 2005 for people committed to African development seeking to share and explore ideas on economic development.

Some people may say that what Africa needs right now is action and not words or ideas. This sentiment is understandable. However, Africa’s current distress is caused as much by a poverty of ideas and vision as by poverty of the physical conditions for development. A pre-requisite for evolving effective economic and political policies to underpin momentum for change in Africa is a critical analysis of African societies in the context of a fast changing globalized world.

Our main objectives are:

  • To promote and expand the market for West Africa.
  • Develop and perform activities that promote trade and increase the competitiveness of the West African Government and business sectors, for instance, the expansion of production bases in West Africa.
  • Build a positive image of African business and government projects

Our Vision:

To be recognized as one the firms in Africa for protecting ,building and distributing Wealth and for fostering careers in Management services.We strive to be the first choice among Management services firms Our services are focused on producing measurable results including Public Administration and Governance, Economic Growth through Regional, Local, and Community Economic Development Strategies; Economic Growth through Business Development, Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship; CCM is dedicated to pursuing excellence in the principles, practices, and processes of their professions. We are a client-oriented organization committed to upholding the highest of professional standards and being a responsible corporate citizen. At CCM , we believe in creative teaming with partners, maintaining strong professionalism and ethics in meeting our objectives, and utilizing our multicultural skills to better understand and communicate with our clients. CCM embraces its clients’ organizational and programmatic goals and strives to work as a team in creating developmental solutions.

Our Mission:

At CCM , we are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of our clients and associates forever.

CCM creates solutions to economic growth through participatory regional and local economic development strategies. Services include:

  • Local economic development strategies
  • Regional economic development strategies

Policy and program analysis related to national, regional and local systems and interrelationships for economic development.

CCM creates solutions to business development and competitiveness problems spanning a range from technology transfer and manufacturing extension to basic services in support of small businesses and entrepreneurs, including:

  • Commercialization of applied research
  • Seed capital fund development
  • Modernization of manufacturing operations and related services
  • Manufacturing and service sector competitive analysis
  • Management, administration, and human resources
  • Export process analysis and planning for export success

CCM specializes in local governance and decentralization issues from a wide range of perspectives by providing practical solutions that are responsive to real operational needs. Accordingly, CCM provides services in the following specific areas:

  • Decentralization and intergovernmental issues including approaches to revenue sharing, power sharing, local revenue generation, and local economic development through various forms of decentralization including devolution, delegation and de-concentration
  • Public management, budgeting, finance, capital improvement programming, local territorial planning, service delivery, asset management and human resource development
  • Citizen participation strategies, methodologies, and organizational structures for local, regional and national governmental entities and programs
  • Policy and program analysis of national legislation, programs, and mandates affecting state, regional, and local governments
  • Geographic information systems for land use planning and permitting, property tax and cadastral information, and demographic and social analysis
  • Public-private partnerships in business, economic, and community development Democracy-building programming at national, regional and local levels
  • Association development, including local and regional associations, mayoral and municipal associations, business and trade associations, and community-based private organizations (NGOs)

CCM creates solutions for clients ranging from national governments to municipalities in areas of public policy, management and organizational reform

CCM has worked extensively in the implementation of many projects associated with transparent local governance, public administration, municipal association development, as well as decentralization and democracy advocacy

The purpose of these activities is to promote trade and economic development in developing countries and provide American businesses with information regarding overseas opportunities